Welcome to the Ashford Partnership Against Crime Ltd Disc system

This is the secure members-only area of the Ashford Partnership Against Crime Ltd.

For information about our Partnership please go to our website at:  https://www.apac-kent.co.uk

A.P.A.C. is a Business Crime Reduction Partnership. We are a not-for-profit organisation consisting of some 65 businesses and partners in and around Ashford, Kent, working together to help make Ashford a safer place to live, shop, socialise and work.


Principles of A.P.A.C.

Our Scheme is based upon seven principles:
1.  The prevention and detection of crime.

2.  To reduce the opportunity to commit crime.

To reduce fear of crime and the effects of fear of crime.

4.  Assisting the apprehension or prosecution of offenders.

To create a "safe and secure" environment for customers, staff and visitors.

6.  To strengthen partnership working with the business community, police, local authority and other key agencies and organisations.

To be an integral part of the local community safety and crime reduction strategy, and work in partnership with those responsible for delivering the community safety action plan.


To report crime to Kent Police

If a crime is happening now, particularly if it has been or appears to be involving violence, call 999.

To report non-urgent incidents, you can call 101, or alternatively use their online reporting system:

If you're deaf or hard of hearing, use the textphone service 60066 or text them on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.

Data Protection

To see how we gather, share, use and retain data, including details of persons involved in incidents in our venues, please see the latest copy of our Privacy Notice.

You are entitled to request details of what data we hold about you. To do so, please use our online Subject Access Request form.

We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office; our Company Registration Number is ZA772305.


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