Welcome to the Cherwell Crime Partnership Disc system

By accessing this site you agree to the following: 

  • I am authorised as a member of Cherrwell Crime Partnership, have read and understood the ‘must read’ documents and agree to operate within the conditions, policies and procedures contained therein.  Only access the DISC database/app in a secure, secluded area away from public view *.   Neither disclose nor share my DISC password/app PIN with a third party, including other members of staff.  Not print, copy, disseminate or save to external sources any personal data or offender images held within the DISC database, app or handbook.

  • Comply with our obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and in particular but without limitation keep confidential and not disclose to any person or body outside of the Cherwell Crime Partnership the identity of any person or any personal data including a photograph of such a person (as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018).

  • Agree to submit incident reports of theft, suspicious and anti-social behaviour and any other relevant crimes committed against my store and/or staff and customers. 

  • I confirm I have permission from my business to share CCTV images with Cherwell Crime Partnership and the full membership. I understand that this intelligence and the associated images may be circulated to police and members of this or other partnerships and used for the purposes of crime prevention and detection and the prosecution of offenders only.  The photographs remain the property of my company/organisation and may be withdrawn at any time upon request. 
  • Notify the Cherwell Crime Partnership immediately that either my or my staff members’ employment at the company ceases so that their access to DISC can be revoked.  I will also notify the crime partnership of any staff members whose access to DISC should be withdrawn.

* Failure to comply could lead to prosecution and/or a fine of up to £500,000


Cherwell Crime Partnership – Banbury & Bicester


This document explains who the Cherwell Crime Partnership – Banbury and Bicester (the Scheme) is, why it processes its Members’ personal data, and the lawful basis for that processing.  It describes the kind of personal data about Members that the Scheme is allowed to process, and what the Scheme can do with it.

Contact details

The Co-ordinator                                               The Co-ordinator

Cherwell Crime Partnership – Banbury              Cherwell Crime Partnership – Bicester

C/o Banbury Police Station                                C/o Bicester Police Station

Warwick Road                                                    Queens Avenue

Banbury OX16 2AE                                             Bicester OX26 2NR

Tel: 01865 845106                                              Tel 01865 845640


The Scheme’s Data Controller is responsible for ensuring its compliance with current Data Protection law and can be contacted at the above address or telephone number.  The Scheme is registered with the Information Commissioners Office as a Business Crime Reduction Partnership.

Purpose of processing personal data

The Scheme processes Members’ personal data for the following purposes:

  • to enable the efficient management of the Scheme; to manage the membership of the Scheme including subscriptions where relevant; invitations to the Scheme’s Annual General Meeting and other meetings where relevant etc;

  • to defend and indemnify the Scheme in case of any Member’s non-compliance with the Scheme’s membership agreement;

  • to enable the Scheme to communicate efficiently to Members by sending only relevant news, alerts and documents, and information about events which are relevant, to them.

Lawful basis of processing

The Scheme’s existing contract/agreement between itself and its Members requires that Members provide their name, postal and email addresses, telephone etc to the Scheme.  This contract/agreement means that the Scheme’s lawful basis for processing Members’ personal data is ‘contract’ and therefore the Scheme can process Members’ personal data without their further consent.

Categories and types of personal data processed

  • Name, name and place of employment, postal and email addresses, telephone and other contact details will be processed;

  • No sensitive or ‘special category’ personal data (ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs etc) is processed by the Scheme.

Sources of personal data

  • The Scheme obtains Members’ personal data from existing contracts/agreements with Members;

  • Members may themselves update their personal data on the Scheme’s online system (My Account).

Recipients of Members’ personal data

  • The Scheme’s Board of Management, Data Controller and formally contracted Data Processors may access Members’ personal data;

  • Members’ personal data will not be passed to any third party unless to the police under warrant or with the expressed permission of the Member;

  • The Scheme will not transfer Members’ personal data outside the UK.

Data retention period

The Scheme will retain Members’ personal data only for as long as each Member remains a Member of the Scheme; when a Member ceases to be a Member of the Scheme he/she must confirm this with the Scheme’s Board of Management as specified in the Scheme’s Documentation at which time all associated personal data will be irrevocably deleted.

In the case of submitted reports, the submitting Member’s email address only will continue to be associated with such reports for as long as the report is retained by the Scheme; this is required where a report may be used for evidential purposes in legal proceedings.

Members’ rights

  • Members can obtain a copy of all their personal data held by the Scheme; Members may access this at any time on the Scheme’s online system (My Account) or may be obtained on application to the Data Controller (see Contact Details above).

  • Members can correct any erroneous data at any time on the Scheme’s online system (My Account) or may require the Scheme to correct any errors on their behalf.

  • At the conclusion of their Membership, Members’ personal data will be irrevocably deleted by the Scheme with the exception of email addresses associated with Incident reports (see Data Retention Period above) and may require the data Controller to confirm such deletion.  Members have the right to complain about the Scheme to the Information Commissioners at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/handling/


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