Our town centre is a community of businesses, shoppers, residents, and visitors. Its success depends upon an environment and feeling of safety afforded to everyone.
DTAC is a positive and co-ordinated business crime partnership designed to meet these needs and manage more effectively the threats posed by local and travelling criminals.
Although DTAC is confident about its current security mechanisms, some change is necessary in order to work smarter and further reduce crime and disorder. This website forms a key part of the strategy to tackle crime and the fear of crime.
It works in conjunction with the town’s CCTV system and radio network now linking-up over 100 people so please do use it.
The benefits of joining DTAC are listed below;
If you would like to know more about becoming a member or the benefits that come with being a member, please contact the DTAC Intelligence Manager at intelmanager@dartford.gov.uk or call on 01322 343400 mob 07881 844153
Click here to view our Privacy Notice.
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