Welcome to the DBCRP - Derbyshire Dales & High Peak Disc system

The Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) is a crime prevention scheme for local businesses committed to working together to reduce Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour in the Town Centre and surrounding areas with the overall objective of making Derbyshire a safer place to work, visit, socialise and shop.

The BCRP facilitates ShopWatch Groups across Derbyshire. The East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) in partnership with Derbyshire Police Crime Commissioner, Derbyshire Constabulary, CCTV and local councils provide a comprehensive package of measures designed to assist businesses in tackling crime and disorder.

At the core of this is a comprehensive, well-disciplined radio system, which enables members direct contact with each other and with the Town Centre CCTV Control Room to report any incident or suspicious activity. Where necessary, CCTV operators will alert the Police and monitor the situation using any available cameras.

The radio network is supported by DISC, an intelligence data sharing platform which complies with GDPR, DPA 18 and ISO27001.  Members can view photo galleries, access and share intelligence, submit incident and crime reports avoiding the often time consuming 101 system, record exclusion notices.

Not a Member?
To discuss the BCRP and how to join, please contact the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership team here or call 0333 320 0333.

To find out more about Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership go to www.emc-dnl.co.uk


To view the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership's Privacy Notice relating to the processing of offender data please contact Derbyshire BCRP team here to request a copy.



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