Welcome to the Folkestone Area Partnership Against Crime Disc system

Folkestone Area Partnership Against Crime is your local Business Crime Reduction Partnership

FAPAC is accredited by the National Association of Business Crime Reduction Partnerships and a signatory to the Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement.

We use the DISC ‘partnership management system’, which is compliant by design, with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations, to ensure that we process confidential personal information legally and fairly.

We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office as processors of Confidential Personal Information. License No. ZA932230

We work in partnership with Kent Police, Folkestone and Hythe District Community Safety Unit: Folkestone Town Council CCTV: The ‘National Association of Business Crime Partnerships’ and our Members.

Our mission is to deliver a safe and secure environment where local people and visitors to the area can work and socialise free from the fear of crime and disorder.

Support Your Area Partnership Against Crime.

 Police and Public Services must prioritise their response to incidents reported to them. We can help ourselves when practicable but, when the police are needed, we will provide them with clear communication and evidence to bring criminals to justice.

We work to prevent crime and when required to present evidence to the police.

Membership benefits include

• A digital radio network connecting Members to Police, PCSO’s and the Town CCTV

   operating twenty four hours a day seven days a week.

• An interactive website regularly updated with local crime intelligence, images

   and alerts.

• An ‘App’ giving mobile access to the website. You can also use the App to make

   incident and intelligence reports which are quickly processed and added to the area

   intelligence profile by the coordinator.

• A monthly crime intelligence meeting.

• A scheduled weekly news-letter.

• An exclusion process banning serious and persistent offenders from all member   

   premises for 12 months at a time. The exclusion may be re started if the offender commits further

   crime during the exclusion period.

• Representation at the Community Safety Unit .


Membership Subscriptions are a business expense that should be

claimed on your business tax return.

The safety of yourself and your staff is priceless but catching or deterring offenders will quickly recoup your membership subscription.

To join or find out more please contact  your FAPAC Coordinator, on 07807362409 or fapac.folkestone@gmail.com

We are a not for profit organisation:  Our membership rates have remained fixed since 2011.

As a member you are part of a supportive community able to access a large range of benefits



The General Data Protection Regulations come into effect on 25th May. This requires organisations that process personal data which is defined as any data from which a living person could be identified to deal with it appropriately and in accordance with the rights of those involved which are enshrined in the Data Protection Act and the GDPR.

The following documents are available below



1.Privacy Notice to Members

Folkestone Area Partnership Against Crime.

Contact details

Folkestone Area Partnership Against Crime Coordinator

The Management Suite

20 Bouverie Place Shopping Centre,



CT20 1AU

Office: 01303 850 522



The Scheme’s Data Controller (The FAPAC Coordinator) is responsible for ensuring its compliance with current Data Protection law and can be contacted at the above address or telephone number.  The Scheme is registered with the Information Commissioners Office as a Crime Reduction Partnership. Registration Number:  ZA932230.

Members: Owners or lessees of commercial property, including their staff or agents, who offer an implicit licence to the public to enter their property or who work in the public domain and have been accepted as members by the partnership.  (For Example Urban Pastors)

  • The Scheme processes Members’ personal data for the following purposes:
  • To enable the efficient management of the Scheme. To manage the membership of the Scheme including subscriptions where relevant; Invitations to the Scheme’s Annual General Meeting and other meetings where relevant etc;
  • To defend and indemnify the Scheme in case of any Member’s non-compliance with the Scheme’s Rules & Protocols;
  • To enable the Scheme to communicate efficiently to Members by sending news, alerts, documents and information about events.

Lawful Basis of Processing

  • The Scheme’s existing contract/agreement between itself and its Members requires that Members provide their name, postal and email addresses and telephone numbers to the Scheme.  This contract/agreement means that the Scheme’s lawful basis for processing Members’ personal data is ‘contract’ and therefore the Scheme can process Members’ personal data without asking for further consent.
  • Name, name and place of employment, postal and email addresses, telephone and other contact details will be processed;
  • No sensitive or ‘special category’ personal data (ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs etc) is processed by the Scheme.


Sources of personal data

•          Existing contracts/agreements with Members;

•          Members may themselves update their personal data on the Scheme’s online system

           (My Account).


Recipients or categories of recipients of Members’ personal data

  • The Scheme’s Board of Management, Data Controller and formally contracted Data Processors may access Members’ personal data;
  • Members’ personal data will not be passed to any third party unless to the police under warrant or with the expressed permission of the Member;
  • The Scheme will not transfer Members’ personal data outside the UK.


Retention and deletion of members information

  • The Scheme will retain Members’ personal data only for as long as each Member remains a Member of the Scheme; when a Member ceases to be a Member of the Scheme he/she must confirm this with the Scheme’s Board of Management via the data controller as specified in the Scheme’s Rules & Protocols at which time all associated personal data will be irrevocably deleted.
  • In the case of submitted reports, the submitting Member’s email address only will continue to be associated with such reports for as long as the report is retained by the Scheme; this is required where a report is used for evidential purposes in legal proceedings.


2.OFFENDERS PRIVACY STATEMENT 22/05/2018: Verified 26/05/2021


This document describes the way that the personal data of offenders as defined by this scheme is processed and secured by Folkestone Area Partnership Against Crime.

Contact details

Folkestone Area Partnership Against Crime Coordinator

Office: 01303 850 522  fapac.folkestone@gmail.com

The Scheme’s Data processor (The FAPAC Coordinator) is responsible for ensuring its compliance with current Data Protection law and can be contacted at the above address or telephone number.  The Scheme is registered with the Information Commissioners Office as a Crime Reduction Partnership. Registration Number:  ZA932230

Data Subjects processed

  • Offenders: Individuals involved in crime and anti-social behaviour which may adversely affect the interests of Partnership members or the general public in Shepway including individuals who travel to or from the area and who may engage in crime and anti-social behaviour elsewhere.

Purpose of processing offender’s personal data

  • Members of the Scheme have a right to protect their property, staff and customers from crime and anti-social behaviour and to exclude from their premises any individuals who they believe represent a threat to their property, customers, staff or the public or whom they wish to exclude for any other lawful reason. The Scheme processes Offenders’ personal data for the purpose of managing an Exclusion Scheme on behalf of its Members and discharging its constituted purpose as a “Partnership Against Crime”.
  • The Scheme’s area of operation and its Exclusion Scheme extends across the District of Shepway whilst maintaining strong links with similarly constituted partnerships in Kent and Nationally through the National Association of Business Crime Partnerships.

Lawful Basis of Processing (Legitimate Interest) and balance of interests

  • FAPAC  Members’ ‘legitimate interests’ provides the lawful basis on which it may process specific items of Offenders’ personal data for specific purposes without Offenders’ consent.
  • FAPAC has assessed the impact of its processing on Offenders’ rights and freedoms, balanced them against its Members’ and the publics own rights and concluded that its Members’ and the publics rights prevail over Offenders’ rights in this specific matter.  This means that, for the purpose of managing an exclusion scheme, as well as ‘preventing and detecting’ crime, FAPAC’s primary ‘basis in law’ for processing Offenders’ personal data is ‘legitimate interests’ and therefore FAPAC can process Offenders’ personal data without requiring their consent.

Categories and types of personal data processed


  • Offender’s name and facial image and any relevant information about the nature of his/her activities; the purpose of this processing is to enable Members to identify Offenders in order to submit reports about them, to include them in a list or gallery of excluded persons (if appropriate and in line with the Scheme’s Rules & Protocols), and to provide information / operational intelligence about them which may be necessary to protect the safety of Members, their staff, property, customers and the public.  This data may be shared among Members and other legitimately constituted BCRP’s or Partnership’s Against Crime.
  • Offenders’ postal and email addresses, telephone number(s) and other contact details; the purpose of this processing is to enable the Scheme to communicate with Offenders from time to time. For example to send confirmation of exclusions, rules of the exclusion scheme, or confirmation that exclusions have expired.  Such data will not be shared with Members unless specifically requested for a lawful purpose such as making a crime report or instigating a civil recovery process.
  • Offenders’ ethnicity; is special category data. We will process this only to enable accurate identification of offenders.
  • Information and Intelligence about incidents in which an Offender has been involved; the purpose of this processing is (1) to enable FAPAC to defend its legal rights against any claim or suit by an Offender or other party.(2) To enable members to take effective countermeasures against actual or potential threats to them, their staff their property and the public represented by the data subject. (3) Such data will only be shared with FAPAC Members in addition to the Scheme’s Data Controller and Board of Management if it is necessary to achieve reason (2) above.
  • No sensitive or ‘special category’ personal data (ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs etc) is processed by the Scheme.

Sources of personal data


  • Offenders who may voluntarily offer information about themselves;
  • Police or other public agencies may provide Offenders’ personal data under ‘The Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Kent+and+medway+information+sharing+agreement&rlz=1C1ASAC_enGB473GB473&oq=Kent+and+medway+information+sharing+agreement&aqs=chrome..69i57.21235j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  • Open source information including the press and social media.

Recipients or categories of recipients of Members’ personal data


  • Members who are property owners, agents or their employees working within the operational area of the Scheme who share the same legitimate interests;
  • Employees and officers of public agencies involved in the prevention and detection of crime, such as police, whose lawful basis for processing Offenders’ data is their public task;
  • Data Controllers of other organisations, like the Scheme, in neighbouring areas if there is reasonable cause to suspect that an Offender has participated, or is likely to participate, in any threat or damage to property, staff and the public in areas outside the Scheme’s area of operation.
  • The Scheme will not transfer Offenders’ data outside the UK.

Data retention period


  • When an Offender is reported by a Member for participating in any theft, threat or damage to any Member’s property, staff or the public, his/her name and facial image may be shared among Members for 12 months.  If no further report is submitted during that period, the Offender’s data will be withdrawn from Members at the expiry of that period. It will be retained for a further 12 months in the Scheme’s database (which can only be accessed by the Data Controller) after which time it will be irrevocably deleted.
  • If during the 12 months when an Offender’s data is circulated among Members he/she is reported for another incident involving theft,  threat or damage to any Member’s property, staff or the public, his/her name and facial image will be circulated among Members for a further 24 months from the date of the second report.  Additionally, the Offender may be excluded from all the properties of all Members for 12 months, and this fact will be shared with Members. If no further report is submitted by a Member during that period, the Offender’s data will be withdrawn from Members at the expiry of that period. It will be retained for a further 12 months in the Scheme’s database (which can only be accessed by the Data Controller) after which it will be irrevocably deleted.

END: 22/05/18: Verified 26/05/2021

Links to other websites                                                                                                             

Frome time to time there may be hyperlinks within this website which will take you away from the FAPAC website. The linked sites are not under the control of FAPAC and we are not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites.  FAPAC may provide such links to you only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by …FAPAC of these sites.


FAPAC seeks to ensure that all information on this website is accurate However, FAPAC and its employees cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any claim, loss or damage whatsoever from the use of any information within, or accessed through, this website.

Any information provided to members may only be used for the purposes of prevention and detection of crime and the prosecution of offenders.






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