Welcome to the Hinckley BID Retail Watch Disc system

We deliver crime-reduction initiatives within Hinkley including exclusion schemes targeted at low-level Business Crime and ASB

This scheme is open to all businesses in the area and provides a number of important benefits:

  • Working in Partnership with local Police
  • Access to a details of local Offenders
  • Ability to submit Incident and Intelligence reports regarding local Offenders
  • Ability to uploading CCTV stills for sharing with fellow Business Members
  • Recieve News and Alerts about issues that affect Businesses within Hinckley
  • Works in partnership with Hinckley City Link scheme Radio System
  • Know who is targeting your business to make Hinckley a safer place to visit, shop, work and socialise


The Hinckley BID Retail Watch is provided and delivered by Hinckley BID.

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