Welcome to the Norwich BID Data Sharing Network ALERT Disc system

ALERT is a data sharing network, which aims to help prevent, detect and advertise crime and criminals in Norwich, by sharing intelligence between members. Norwich ALERT is Data Protected and users can safely and confidentially share photos of known offenders and incident reports with all partner members.

The scheme is provided and administrated by the Norwich Business Improvement District ( BID) and is working in partnership with Norfolk Police to improve the system to share best practice and intelligence. Membership is available to all businesses in Norwich city. It is free of charge to all BID members or for a nominal fee to others.

Norwich Business Crime Forum meetings are to be held monthly at various venues across the city and online for members to share information from January 2021, details are available in the events section of this website.

This is also an opportunity for photos to be circulated, members to discuss their issues and share intelligence with each other and with the evening and daytime economy Police.

For further details of dates and events linked to security in the city please contact Michael Yates via email at alert@norwichbid.co.uk



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