This is a secure intranet for the use of members of the Love Wimbledon Wimbledon Retailers Association and Pubwatch only. Both schemes are committed to ensure that the commercial centre of our area is safer and more secure, for the benefit of the whole community and this website is brought to you free by Love Wimbledon Business Improvement District.
If you are a retailer in the Wimbledon area, or you own or manage a licenced premises, why not join with us?
We exchange information so that offenders can be quickly identified and and shared particularly when they have been banned from Members' premises. We hold regular meetings with police and the local authority so that we can explore ways of working together for the benefit of the community in the Wimbledon area. We represent businesses which are committed to improving the living and working environment here in Wimbledon.
Members of the Scheme have the right to protect their property, staff and customers from crime and anti-social behaviour and to exclude from their premises any individuals who are proven threats to their property, staff or customers. The Scheme’s area of operation is the geographic boundary of the Love Wimbledon Business Improvement District.
The Scheme’s Members’ ‘legitimate interests’ provides the lawful basis on which it may process specific items of Offenders’ personal data for specific purposes without Offenders’ consent. The Scheme has assessed the impact of its processing on Offenders’ rights and freedoms, has balanced these with its Members’ own rights, and has concluded that its Members’ rights prevail over Offenders’ rights in this specific matter. This means that, the Scheme’s lawful basis for processing Offenders’ personal data is ‘legitimate interests’ and therefore the Scheme can process Offenders’ personal data without requiring their consent.
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If you would like to know more, or would like to access this Intranet and participate in our crime-prevention activities, email us now by clicking here.
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